These are my 12 Best Online Photography Magazines,…the online magazines that I think all photographers should follow and read regularly. The operative words are “I think”. While most photographers nowadays fret over pixels or sharpness or who uses what camera and who they need to impress, this is a different sort of beast. A mindset removed from the PetaPixels and DPReviews of the world. And in fact, for technical and equipment capabilities, those sites are fantastic. Hell, even I don’t know how many elements a 50mm Summicron has, or the sharpest lens on the planet.(and don’t care) So, without further adieu,….”12 Best Online Photography Magazines”.
12 Best Online
So this list is not to disparage any other sites. In fact, DPReview is one of the most successful photography sites on the planet, and much can be learned from some very knowledgeable forum participants there. Not to mention their thorough and detailed equipment reviews. These sites listed are to get you up and out. Off the couch and away from any computer screens. Be a photographer. While some are a little esoteric, they may inspire and force you to rethink your photographic path. Maybe.
Hotshoe International
First up is Hotshoe International. Great portfolios by both established and new photographers. I would say it does lean more towards the art photography genre, but the new stuff is sometimes startling in its’ creativeness. Which is a good thing. While some find this a curious choice to include in my 12 Best, I just like it and think you will too.
British Journal of Photography
Next is the British Journal of Photography. If you’re from the UK, this magazine should be well known to you, as is the organization itself. They’ve been around forever, and as you can see from the poster illustrated, they are very instrumental in exhibits and promoting all aspects of photography. Why more American photographers don’t know about them, I’m unsure.
Third is Colors Magazine, another 12 Best contender. Which also comes in hard copy and is sort of an arm of Benetton. I used the word esoteric above, and if I was to apply it to only one of these online zines, this would be the winner. Yes, it was created by Oliviero Toscani, known for his ultra creative campaigns with Benetton. (See story Here) But abounds with creativity in every form. So worth a look-see.
Spider Awards
Next is the Spider Awards, which is really a Black and White competition, and has been so about 10 years. But its slick and easy to navigate. I got an Honorable Mention some time back, when I use to compete in such things. But they’ve grown to actually having Webinars, heavy duty sponsors,…and they don’t really care what format or media you shoot in. Both Pros and Amateurs are welcomed. As long as it’s Black and White. The gallery archives are much improved, and very easy and fast to navigate. Very professional.
Fstop Magazine
Fstop Magazine is NOT related to Fstoppers. Need to get that out of the way, as they are nothing alike. Not that Fstoppers is bad, but I think I would more put it in the “PetaPixel” category,…sort of. Anyway, Fstop Magazine takes cutting edge submissions, holds competitions, works with galleries, has lectures and workshops throughout the country and more. So, as you can see, they’re busy little beavers. It’s inspiring to see so many photographers, digital and film, take their work so seriously, and have a support system in place to vent their visions.
Gomma Grant
If I had to pick one that is so obscure, but relevant, it would be Gomma Grant. I have not found one associate who knows about it. They are sponsored by some known media players and worldwide gallery jurors, including the British Journal of Photography. They are players in the photo art market. How important or serious, I have no clue. It’s a precarious market at best. But I just really like the examples of great photography, whether they are known or unknown.
1000 Words
1000 Words is really in the same vein, and associated with Gomma,…sorta. They promote gallery shows and books and have nice, big pictures to enjoy. They also have news, (exhibits, workshops, etc.), and interviews with many artists. Some of these interviews even go into cameras, methodologies and more. So, you can glean quite a bit of information from the artists that choose to share. Or the questions they’re asked.
Burn Magazine
Burn Magazine is run by David Alan Harvey of Magnum fame, so you know it’s legitimate and the work is well curated. It’s easy to navigate, accepts projects, runs workshops. More in the documentary style. But David Alan Harvey has a great eye, and if you love Cartier-Bresson and Minor White, or even a Diane Arbus, this is the place for you. You can learn a lot just by viewing. But I do recommend workshops from a master.
Lens Culture
Lens Culture not only sponsors talent searches, but also works with the world renown Magnum Photo Agency in selecting and praising said entries. The pictures are big, and cross a wide section of genres. Like Magnum, they have the chops and credibility to expose you to the real deal. Check them out. You won’t be sorry.
Flak Photo
Flak Photo is very impressive. They do take submissions, but I would look at the “Collections” and “Galleries” first. This is very upscale work from around the world. This ain’t no Kim Kardashian selfie site. I have found the work and presentation to be top notch. A place to see talent coming out of your yeehaw. Be prepared.
This is a very cool film,… with absolutely NO TOUCHUP, analog site. They actually have a paper magazine, too. The talent exhibited is tremendous. But if you’re a Photoshop kind of guy, and can’t stand to look at a woman without plastic perfection, then this is not the site for you. In fact, their tagline is; “Fashion and fine art. All analogue, with no beauty retouching.” And they mean it. Of course, they are British. If they weren’t, they’d know how to spell ‘analog’. 😁 Pylot Magazine is probably the best one on this page.
America Suburb X
Last, but not least is America Suburb X in the 12 Best. I know the name means something significant. But, I’m a dunce, so have no clue what it means. That said I have to say they are not an exclusively photography site. There is art, writing, music and video/film,….and other stuff. But they are mostly photography. Some interviews are with well known photographers. But always interesting, and well written. They are not a particularly obscure site, but again, I’m perplexed when the ‘Nikon Rumors’ crowd stares at me quizzically.
That’s my 12 Best Online Photography Magazines. A little out of the norm. But you already know the ‘norms’. If you have any you’re wild about that I missed, just put the link in the comments. I’m sure everyone will appreciate it. Yes, I removed C-Heads, because everyone thought they were already popular enough, and I was being redundant.
Awesome stuff. Thanks for sharing!
This was really helpful. Thanks for this tips!
👍 Actually, it looks like I need to update a few. You know how the internet is,…..fluid. 😊